Metamaze for insurers
Insurers are using our platform to reduce costs, improve efficiency and boost customer experience. We help you automate complex insurance processes from input to actionable data.
Remove points of friction in document-heavy key processes.
The interface between customers, insurers, reinsurers, compliance entities and auditors, occurs almost entirely through the exchange of documents. Document-centric processes dominate the insurance industry and continue to be a major friction point in insurance interactions often because these are the last places to get noticed as the point of failure in both experience and operation.
Speed up claim processes
Claims processes are one of the most document-heavy and time-consuming workflows for insurers, but often a make-it or break-it moment for customers.
Metamaze is able to process large amounts of documents in no time, going from police reports to repair estimates, claim forms,… Validate extracted data with business rules to automate the entire process with minimal human intervention.
Automate underwriting process
The underwriting process contains a lot of documents and checkpoints, often resulting in manual-heavy work. During busy periods like Batibouw & Autosalon, current processes are not scalable and clients are lost.
Metamaze will help you build a process that is scalable, very accurate and will save you costs.
Mailroom automation
Process incoming requests, like beneficiary updates, address changes, … regardless of where it enters your company. Extract the right data and start the right processes from the moment a request enters your enterprise.
Customers expect immediate answers, our platform can help you elevate customer satisfaction.
A smart solution for smart insurers
To enhance customer experiences, streamline operations and capitalize on new business opportunities, leaders must sharpen their process intelligence.
Unlock exceptional customer experiences
Reducing the average settling time of claims, speed up maintenance requests and underwriting. Your clients will love you for it.
Process more and faster
When you no longer depend on the capacity of your manual workforce, scalability will fuel your growth.
Save costs
Save on document processing and back office costs. Free your team from routine paperwork and let them focus on high-value work.
Achieve 97% + accuracy
Work with predictable accuracy levels that improve over time and no longer depend on the state of mind of your employees.
Download free guide
Learn how Intelligent Document Processing can help you process claims faster and more accurate. This e-book will guide you through document processing challenges and show you in-depth on how to automate claims documents.