Metamaze for transportation and logistics

Remove friction from document-driven processes

Automate any complex document-based workflow.

The pressure to improve back-office efficiency has never been higher before. Logistic workflows are extremely complex and heavily document-driven. Our platform can help you extract data from any document. 

Get information right every time

Bad information at any point in your process can cause problems, resulting in: 

Reduce costs

Logistic workflows are complex and rely on human resources. This can quickly increase costs as well as risks for errors due to simple mistakes. Metamaze can help you save money.

A smart solution for enterprises

The cost of not getting information right is simply too high, especially in logistics and transportation. That’s why many company in logistics have woken up to the benefits of intelligent document processing.

Get information right every time

Right information is key in logistic processes. Any mistake can cause disasters. Prevent errors with Metamaze.

Process more and faster

When you no longer depend on the capacity of your manual workforce, scalability will fuel your growth.

Save costs

Save on document processing and back office costs. Free your team from routine paperwork and let them focus on high-value work.

Achieve 96%+ accuracy

Process paperwork & mailroom more quickly and accurately, resulting in fewer mistakes caused by manual entry.

This document will guide you to a successful implementation of an Intelligent Document Processing solution​.

Discover how manufacturer Group Nivelles saves 70 hrs/month/FTE and lowers order processing costs by 64% by implementing Metamaze.

In this guide, you’ll learn how Intelligent Document Processing works and how it can be applied in your logistics company.


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